Welcome to the Call for Abstracts for the 24th ISoP Annual Meeting | ISoP 2025 Cairo


This year’s theme is "Pharmacovigilance: Back to the Future" 


Abstract Submission will open

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Call for Abstracts

The 24th International Society of Pharmacovigilance (ISoP) Annual Meeting will held at Intercontinental Semiramis Hotel October 24-27, 2025. The ISoP Annual Meeting represents an opportunity to exchange scientific information related to pharmacovigilance among academia, regulatory agencies, the pharmaceutical industry, service providers, and contract research organizations. This is the leading global conference on pharmacovigilance with one full day of pre-conference courses and 3 days of the main conference. The conference program includes courses, panel discussions, plenaries, parallel sessions, oral presentations, and poster presentations.

Abstract topics

  1. AI and digitalization in PV
  2. Real World Evidence
  3. Risk management, measurement of RMM effectiveness and PV communication
  4. Signal management
  5. PV Education and qualification
  6. Pharmacogenomics and Drug Safety
  7. Pharmacovigilance: Bridging the Gap with Digital Healthcare
  8. Pharmacovigilance and Market Access: From Safety to Safe Availability
  9. PV regulation (compliance, audit, inspection, regulatory convergence, reliance, interaction with regulatory affairs)
  10. Medical device and combination products safety
  11. PV in healthcare practice and Patient engagement
  12. Safety of special population (Women’s medicines, teratovigilance, Pediatric and elderly)
  13. Safe use of medicinal products (Antimicrobial resistance, Ecopharmacovigilance, Medication Errors, Counterfeit and substandard medicines)
  14. Safety of pharmaceutical products (Vaccines, Biotechnology/biosimilars, Herbal, traditional medicines, Cosmetics)
  15. Safety in Clinical trials
  16. Miscellaneous.

Notification of Abstract Acceptance

Abstracts will be reviewed by the ISoP 2025 Scientific Committee and top-notched Experts from the ISoP Community, and each decision will be notified to submitters by 7 July 2025.

Notification of abstract acceptance or rejection will be communicated to the corresponding author’s/ submitter’s e-mail address (presenting author of the abstract). Please note that if an abstract is accepted for presentation (oral or as poster), at least one of the authors (presenting author) must register for ISoP 2025.

Registration should be made immediately after notification of abstract acceptance, and at latest by 10th August 2025. Presenting authors must attend the conference in order to present the abstract.

The Scientific Committee’s decisions will be based upon evaluation of the abstract’s scientific standard. The Scientific Committee will allocate each accepted abstract to the most appropriate form of presentation (oral or poster). After selection, to all presenting authors will be sent full information regarding PowerPoint preparation, poster size, style and layout, as appropriate.

If you have any questions regarding preparing, submitting, amending or withdrawing an abstract, please contact the organizer at [email protected]